Saturday, October 3, 2009

To Continue or Not To Continue?

Now, all it takes is a cursory glance at the date of the most recent post to figure out that this blog does not have the most regular of posting schedules. This is mostly because of author apathy; why bother writing a guide if no one reads it? So, I'm requesting something from you, dear readers. If you want to see this blog maintained and updated frequently, tell me in the comments for this post. Heck, if just one person writes something, I'll start keeping up with this blog. All I need is a little validation.


mike quillin said...

Hey,I don't know much about blogs, and don't usua;;y read them, but came across this looking up stuff on Chekhov's gun. I like it and would keep reading if you write more but don't want to put pressure on you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see you gave up on your blog. Agreed bloggins is hard, but it pays off, especially for writers. Perhaps you'll give it a try again, some time. There are "tricks of the trade" that can help you get a wider readership, and that will likely inspire you to keep writing. Good luck.